Paris Olympic Games

Simon Doueihy and Lynn el-Hajj Qualify for the Paris Games

Lebanese swimmers Lynn el-Hajj and Simon Doueihy have qualified for the Paris Olympic Games. Both are swimmers. Simon Doueihy worked very hard for a year. He swam the 100-meter freestyle 24 times last year, with times of 50.2 to 50.5 seconds. In his last chance at the Spanish Open Summer Championships, he pulled out all the stops to clinch his ...

Olympic Games 2024: Triumphant Welcome for Laetitia Aoun in Beirut

Taekwondo champion Laetitia Aoun returned to Beirut on Friday after finishing fifth at the Paris Olympic Games in the under 57 kg category. She was received in the VIP lounge of Beirut International Airport by the head of the Lebanese Olympic mission, François Saadeh. Habib Zarifeh, the President of the Lebanese Taekwondo Federation, Jihad ...

Sports Federation Elections on the Warpath or Not?

Three sporting elections are scheduled for the coming period: - The elections for the Olympic and non-Olympic sports federations will start soon, after the end of the Paris Olympic Games about a fortnight ago, and will run until the end of the year. - Elections for a new Olympic Committee Executive Committee, to be held next February. - The ...